Welcome to the homepage of R project “R-text-to-speech”!


The stable version 0.2.5 of package "Rtts" is already published on CRAN from May 26 2015 (Link).

To install it, please run install.packages("Rtts") in your R console. Note that only tts_google() function is applicable in this version for stability.

You can also install the developing version from R-Forge by running install.packages("RttsDevelop", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org"), in which I'm still trying to add more functions and features.


The main purpose of this project is to implement an R package “Rtts” which helps convert text into speech (.mp3, .flv and .wav files) in R environment.

This purpose is fulfilled using APIs offered by

(1) Google Translate (https://translate.google.com)

(2) ITRI TTS @web (http://tts.itri.org.tw)

(3) Microsoft Oxford Porject (http://www.projectoxford.ai/)

These three APIs correspond to three main functions in this package:

(1) tts_google(): English is supported now.

(2) tts_ITRI(): English and Chinese (both traditional and simplified) are supported now.(Reminder)

(3) tts_MS(): This function is still under construction.

About Author:

DENG, Xiaodong (CV)

Master in Science (Mathematics)

Research Assistant, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore

E-mail: xd_deng@hotmail.com

Site: www.seekingQED.com

Github: github.com/XD-DENG